Va’eira 5774-2013
“Moses, the Reluctant Prophet”
How could any mortal refuse the Al-mighty’s mission, especially when G-d sends Moses to redeem His people, whom Moses loves so dearly?
0 Comments14 Minutes
Shemot 5774-2013
“G-d Recognizes His People's Sufferings”
What was it that G-d saw in the behavior of the People of Israel that caused the Al-mighty to respond to the people’s cries at this particular time?
0 Comments6 Minutes
Vayechi 5774-2013
“Reconciliation and Death”
The Midrash greatly embellishes the final chapters of Genesis by adding fascinating details regarding the reconciliation of Joseph with his brothers and Joseph’s demise.
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Vayigash 5774-2013
“The Dreams and the Divine Covenant”
As Jacob’s entire family bows down before Joseph, all of Joseph’s dreams finally come true. But not only Joseph’s dreams come to fruition, the prophesies and predictions of the Covenant between the Pieces have also begun to be realized.
0 Comments8 Minutes