Sukkot 5775-2014
“Rabbi Eliyahu Kitov’s Observations on the Sukkot Festival”
The great religious writer, Rabbi Eliyahu Kitov brings a unique perspective to understanding the festival of Sukkot, and the special relationship between the Al-mighty and Israel that developed after the Exodus from Egypt.
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Yom Kippur 5775-2014
“The High Priest’s Dilemma–What to Wear on Yom Kippur?”
Why was it necessary for the High Priest to change from his golden garments to the white garments five times on Yom Kippur?
0 Comments8 Minutes
Haazinu-Rosh Hashana 5775-2014
“Invoking Heaven and Earth”
How does the humble, former-shepherd Moses have the audacity to call upon Heaven and Earth and enlist their services as witnesses to the words that he is about to speak?
0 Comments8 Minutes
Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5774-2014
“Repentance-With a Little Help from our Friend in Heaven!”
After numerous dreaded imprecations, the Torah predicts that the People Of Israel will repent and will be returned by G-d to their land. The Al-mighty even promises to assist the people in their process of repentance.
0 Comments7 Minutes