Korach 5774-2014
“Aaron Stops the Plague”
Why does Aaron, the High Priest, risk his life to save many thousands of rebellious and undeserving Israelites, by using the firepans and incense to stop the Angel of Death from destroying the unworthy people?
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Shelach 5774-2014
“Do Not Follow After the Desires of Your Heart and Eyes”
The Torah in parashat Shelach conveys a cogent and relevant message for our times. Despite the important values of open-mindedness and freedom of expression, for our own survival, humankind must be taught that there are limits. We must not simply pursue the unchecked desires of our hearts and eyes that lead us astray, and often result in the destruction of the fabric of society.
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B’ha’a’lot’cha 5774-2014
“The Difference Between Moses and the Other Prophets”
When the Al-mighty rebuked Miriam and Aaron for speaking against their brother Moses, He says: “Not so is My servant, Moses!” affirming that the special prophetic stature of Moses is in a class by itself, and far superior to all other prophets.
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Naso 5774-2014
“The Gift that Keeps On Giving”
It is often maintained that a civilization is measured by how it treats its weakest members. The Divine system of accountability for caring for the needy and the defenseless is boldly enunciated in a seemingly “innocuous” group of verses in parashat Naso.
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