Kee Tavo 5775-2015
“Making The Final Commitment”
While encouraging the People of Israel to make the final commitment to the Al-mighty, Moses conveyed an important message to the people that is still relevant in our time, and can prove useful in our own lives.
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Kee Teitzei 5775-2015
“When a Brother Dies Childless”
In parashat Kee Teitzei we learn of the law of the levirate marriage, requiring the surviving brother to betroth his brother’s widow. The laws of terminating that obligation are also taught.
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Shoftim 5775-2015
“Idolatrous Trees and Unqualified Judges”
The Torah forbids planting a forbidden tree or erecting a forbidden pillar near a house of worship. The sages of the Talmud suggest that one who appoints an unqualified judge is tantamount to one who plants an idolatrous tree.
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Re’eh 5775-2015
“The Prohibition of Eating the Limb of a Live Animal”
Thousands of years before the idea of not causing undue pain to animals was introduced to the Western world, the Torah warned Jews, and even non-Jews, about eating a limb torn from a living animal because of the exceeding cruelty involved.
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Eikev 5775-2015
“‘D’vay’kut’--Bonding with the Al-mighty”
“D’vay’kut,” bonding with G-d, is often thought of as being an exceedingly mystical and esoteric concept, far from the reach of the common folk. Yet it is achievable to those who are willing to emulate G-d’s deeds, embrace the sages and scholars, and heed the message of the Divine in sacred music.
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