Bereshith 5774-2013
"Beginning at the Beginning–-Again"
While some may argue that the Torah’s primary purpose is to report the history and development of the Jewish people, tradition argues that its primary function is to record and confirm the establishment of the covenant between G-d, the Jewish people and the land of Israel.
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Sukkot 5774-2013
"Half for You, and Half for G-d"
The Jewish festivals of Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot are intended to be shared celebrations. Half is to be devoted to the celebrants and half to the Al-mighty.
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Yom Kippur 5774-2013
“Chesbon Hanefesh – Introspection”
The marvelous Hebrew term, Chesbon Hanefesh, means taking an accounting of one’s soul, and sitting in spiritual judgment of oneself. The High Holy Days are a most propitious time for “Chesbon Hanefesh” that must not be frittered away.
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