B’shalach 5770-2010
"Va'chamushim - Armed or Otherwise"
When the enslaved Israelites finally leave Egypt, Scripture tells us that they leave "Chamushim," generally translated as armed. The commentators, however, offer many interpretations for the word Chamushim. Even though they are quite different from one another, each interpretation has much validity.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Bo 5770-2010
"Finding Favor in the Eyes of the Egyptians"
The Torah reports that G-d caused the Jews to find favor in the eyes of the Egyptians. What was the purpose of this act, and what was its effect upon both the people of Israel and the Egyptians?
0 Comments8 Minutes
Va’eira 5770-2010
"Shortness of Breath and Hard Work"
The Bible states that the ancient Israelites could not hear Moses' favorable message of G-d's impending salvation due to "shortness of breath and hard work." What does this mean? And what are the implications for contemporary times?
0 Comments7 Minutes
Shemot 5770-2010
"In Those Days, In These Times"
In a single generation, unbridled adulation for Joseph turns into the enslavement of the entire Jewish people. How did it happen? Are Jews possibly facing a similar future in North America today?
0 Comments9 Minutes
Vayechi 5770-2009
"Rachel's Burial Place in Bethlehem"
Jacob interrupts a most important message to his son Joseph by recalling his failure to bury Rachel in Hebron. What could possibly have been his motivation?
0 Comments7 Minutes
Vayigash 5770-2009
"How Much is Enough?"
Scripture informs us that upon their arrival in Egypt, Joseph provided his family with food, sufficient to sustain the family and the children. The rabbis read into the nuances of the verse that Joseph provided his family with only the bare essentials. How much should Joseph have given?
0 Comments9 Minutes