Tazria-Metzorah 5770-2010
"The Human Animal"
The rabbis are perplexed as to why the laws of childbirth follow the laws of kosher and non-kosher animals. Shouldn’t laws pertaining to humans come first?
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Passover 5770-2010
"The Festival of Liberation"
The care, some would say, obsessive concern, with which Jews try to avoid chometz is widely acknowledged. If that is the case, why has matzoh not been prohibited, since it embodies the exact ingredients found in chometz?
0 Comments8 Minutes
Tzav 5770-2010
"The Command"
Only with respect to the Olah, the burnt offering, does the Torah use the term "Tzav," command, rather than "say" or "speak." What is it about the burnt offering and the priests' relationship to it that requires the priests to be commanded to do this particular service properly and expeditiously?
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Vayikra 5770-2010
"Do Leaders Corrupt, or are They Corrupted?"
The first sin offering that is recorded in parashat Vayikra is the offering of the anointed priest. Regarding this sacrifice, an unresolved dispute comes to the surface, raising the issue of whether it is the leaders who lead the people astray or whether leaders are corrupted by their followers.
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Vayakhel-Pekudei 5770-2010
"Heaven Helps Those Who Help Themselves"
The biblical verse announcing the completion of the building of the Tabernacle describes the Tabernacle as if it had erected itself, and also that it had been erected by the people. This conflict is resolved by the rabbinic interpretation, which concludes that the Al-mighty helped the people build the complex structure, but because of the people's uncommon devotion, attributed the entire building to the people.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Kee Tisah 5770-2010
"Moses Wrestles with G-d"
When Moses descends from the mountain after spending forty days and nights with G-d, he finds the people of Israel worshiping the Golden Calf. G-d wants to destroy the people and start a new nation from Moses. Moses argues fiercely with G-d. What is the nature of the argument?
0 Comments7 Minutes