Re’eh 5770-2010
“The Blessing and the Curse”
Is Moses setting out a choice before the people of blessing or curse, or is he simply stating that life always consists of elements that are bitter as well as those that are sweet?
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Eikev 5770-2010
"The Great, Mighty and Awesome G-d"
The "Anshei K'nesset Hagdolah," Men of the Great Assembly were given that exalted honorific title, because they restored the crown of Divine attributes to its ancient completeness, by returning the original wording of Moses, in his praise of G-d.
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Devarim 5770-2010
"On That Day the Lord Shall Be One and His Name One"
Two little seemingly "throw-away" verses in Deuteronomy, 2:5 and 2:19, powerfully proclaim a singular all-embracing G-d of the world, Who cares for Israel as well as all the nations of the world.
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Matot-Masei 5770-2010
"Do Not Pollute the Land...Do Not Defile the Land"
In the second of this week's parashiot, parashat Masei, the Al-mighty warns the people of Israel not to "pollute" or "defile" the land of Israel. Perhaps this warning should also be taken as an admonition that Jews neither excessively flatter Israel nor be overly critical of the land.
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