Lech Lecha 5771-2010
“Abram Prays for Others”
The Talmud states that those who invoke G-d’s compassion for their neighbors, and who are in need of a similar response, are answered first. In this week’s parasha, we find two instances where the commentaries indicate that Abram prayed for others.
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Noah 5771-2010
“Man’s Struggle with Evil”
In parashat Noah we learn much about man’s struggle with evil. Furthermore, there are quite a few unexpected similarities between the times of Noah and contemporary times.
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Bereshith 5771-2010
"The Help Meet"
After placing the human being in the Garden of Eden, G-d suddenly declares,”It is not good for the human being to be alone, I will make a help meet for him.” What is the meaning of this cryptic statement?
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Sukkot 5771-2010
“A Turning Point for Humankind”
As much as Sukkot is a nature-oriented celebration, it is much more a G-d-centered festival, and therein lies the essential revolutionariness of Sukkot.
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Yom Kippur 5771-2010
"When Yom Kippur Occurs on Shabbat"
Why did the rabbis who set the Hebrew calendar allow Yom Kippur to occur on Shabbat? After all, when Yom Kippur falls on Shabbat, Jews are unable to fulfill the mitzvah of “Oneg Shabbat,” and “Oneg Shabbat” is not something that may be easily dismissed!
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Rosh Hashana 5771-2010
"G-d’s Struggle to Repent"
Does G-d pray? If He does, what is His prayer? The Talmud provides a fascinating answer to these questions, and in the process sends us a most valuable message for the High Holy Days.
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