Kee Tavo 5771-2011
“The Challenge of Bountifulness”
Before threatening the people of Israel with the dire consequences of sin, G-d always blesses them with blessings that will accrue to the nation for faithfully fulfilling His commandments. Is the blessing of abundance truly a blessing, or is intended to be a challenge?
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Kee Teitzei 5771-2011
"Sending the Mother Bird Away"
The Biblical commentators engage in a rigorous debate regarding the rationale behind the mitzvah of "Sheeluach Ha’Kayn"–sending the mother bird away from the nest when taking the chicks or the eggs. Most agree that is has to do with mercy, but not all agree that it is G-d’s mercy. They also differ over what is meant to be the ultimate purpose of this mitzvah.
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Shoftim 5771-2011
"Jewish Justice & Jewish Leadership"
So much emphasis has been placed on fighting for social justice that articles regularly appear appealing to Jewish leadership to tone down the emphasis on "Tikkun Olam," a phrase that comes from the Aleinu prayer and calls on Jews to "repair the world under the reign of the Al-mighty."
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Re’eh 5771-2011
“Listening to the Message”
How does one remain moral in an increasingly immoral environment? Ethical and moral behavior doesn't simply develop through osmosis or from preaching. Judaism maintains that living a religiously observant life results in the ability to hear G-d’s voice among the conflicting messages competing for one’s attention in a noisy world.
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Eikev 5771-2011
"Finding the Greatness of G-d in His Humility"
How do mere mortals dare pray to the All-Powerful G-d? Because there is incontrovertible evidence that our omnipotent G-d cares about the weak and the downtrodden. This knowledge serves as our license to pray, to ask that the coming days, weeks and years be times of blessing and beneficence.
0 Comments11 Minutes