Shemini 5773-2013
“Authentic Religious Ecstasy”
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik suggests that Aaron’s sons, Nadav and Abihu, were judged more harshly because they were in positions of leadership and punished more severely because they attempted to experience religious ecstasy through prohibited means.
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Passover II 5773-2013
“The Final Days of Passover: A Call For Modesty in Jewish Life”
When Moses and the people of Israel sang praises to G-d as they crossed the Red Sea, the Al-mighty chose to embrace the Israelites and betroth them despite the fact that they were wretched and filthy from the enslavement in Egypt.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Passover 5773-2013
“Remembering the Exodus From Egypt”
The phrase “to remember the Exodus from Egypt” seems to appear everywhere one looks in Jewish life. Remembering the Exodus from Egypt is indeed a fundamental principle of Jewish life with abundant implications and ramifications.
0 Comments14 Minutes
Vayikra 5773-2013
"Achieving Spiritual Ascendance Through Sacrifice"
Why do Jewish children begin their study of Torah with the complicated laws of sacrifice? What is ultimately achieved by the bringing of animal sacrifices?
0 Comments6 Minutes