Toledot 5774-2013
“A Revolutionary Definition of Parenthood”
In his comments on parashat Toledot, Rabbi Joseph B. Soleveitchik attributes to Abraham the introduction of a bold and extraordinarily novel concept of parenthood -- the “teaching parent.”
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Chayei Sarah 5774-2013
"Yitzchak Establishes a Home with His New Wife"
The betrothal of Isaac and Rebecca can serve as a most valuable case study for finding a mate and establishing a successful home environment.
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Vayeira 5774-2013
“Greater than Welcoming the Divine Presence”
Is welcoming guests a greater mitzvah than welcoming the Divine Presence? Perhaps they are of equal value?
0 Comments6 Minutes
Lech Lecha 5774-2013
“Setting the Stage for the Jewish Future”
Our sages say that the deeds of the forefathers are signposts for the children. The story of Abraham and Sarah are truly predictive of both future Jewish history and contemporary Jewish life.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Noah 5774-2013
"Making a Name for Ourselves"
The narrative of the Tower of Babel represents a profound protest against human hubris and over-confidence.
0 Comments12 Minutes