Shoftim 5774-2014
“Justice--the Source of Security of the Land of Israel”
The fact that the Torah links the proper practice of justice by the Jewish people to the security of the land of Israel is of extreme importance, especially in light of the perils faced by the State of Israel today.
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Re’eh 5774-2014
“Giving Charity Kindly and Generously”
The Torah introduced the revolutionary concept of charity to the world. Despite its virtually universal acceptance today, it was not always looked upon favorably in many societies.
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Eikev 5774-2014
“No Reason to Glory!”
In parashat Eikev, the Torah warns the People of Israel not to glory in the success of their battles or their economic success. It is a most relevant message for contemporary times.
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Va’etchanan 5774-2014
“The Prediction of Return”
The Torah, in parashat Va’etchanan, predicts that massive numbers of Jews in exile will return to traditional Jewish practice. Is that happening today?
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