Passover 5775-2015
“Learning to Revere G-d”
The Bet HaLevi explains why the Israelites gained a sense of “Yir’aht Shamayim,” reverence for Heaven, only when they saw the Egyptians drown at the sea, and not earlier when they beheld the Ten Plagues that struck the Egyptians in Egypt.
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Tzav 5775-2015
“When Performing a Mitzvah Comes at a Significant Personal Cost”
The priests of old were profoundly challenged when they worked in the Tabernacle and Temple, since their service resulted in a significant loss of personal income.
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Vayikra 5775-2015
“The Primacy of Independent Thinking”
From the example of the sin offering brought by the leaders of Israel who issue a mistaken ruling, we learn of the primacy of independent thinking in Jewish life.
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Vayakhel-Pekudei 5775-2015
“Bringing Heaven Down To Earth”
The Biblical narrative describing the final erecting of the Tabernacle teaches that human beings can indeed build an earthly dwelling place for the Divine Presence, and they can even bring the Divine Presence down to earth.
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