Toledot 5780-2019
“A Lesson from Jacob and Esau: Understanding and Accepting Differences”
(Updated and revised from Toledot 5760-1999)
Some bold commentators have suggested that the difficulties between Jacob and Esau may be due to the fact that not enough attention was paid to the innate differences in the children’s natures, and that they were both, mistakenly, given the same cookie-cutter education. There is always a great price to pay for not recognizing that children have individual and personal needs that must be addressed.
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Chayei Sarah 5780-2019
“Rebecca and Isaac’s First Encounter: a Revealing Insight into the Future”
(updated and revised from Chayei Sarah 5760-1999)
When Rebecca raises her eyes and first beholds Isaac from afar, she falls off the camel and promptly covers her face with a veil. Rebecca’s actions may very well reflect her feelings of inadequacy about coming from a decadent and idolatrous background, and being betrothed to an intensely spiritual man. This encounter may explain the fraught relationship that the future couple will have.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Vayeira 5780-2019
"The Preciousness of Hospitality"
(Updated and Revised from Vayeira 5760-1999)
While 99-year-old Abraham is recovering from his recent circumcision, he sees potential guests on the horizon. Despite his pain, he quickly runs toward the wayfarers and begs them not to pass by his tent without accepting his hospitality. There is much we can learn from Abraham’s manner of welcoming guests. It is essential that we not lose the capacity to properly perform the noble and ennobling mitzvah of “Hachnassat Orchim.”
0 Comments10 Minutes
Lech Lecha 5780-2019
“Understanding the Ritual of Circumcision”
(updated and revised from Lech Lecha 5760-1999)
The ritual of circumcision, performed on the eighth day on the flesh of the Jewish male, has always been the fundamental mark of identity for the Jewish man. There are those who say that the letting of blood during the circumcision is a constant reminder that the Jewish people must live by their blood. It may also mean that whether the Jewish people live or die will be determined by the organ that is circumcised. After all, Jewish destiny depends upon how the Jewish males choose to use their sexual organ.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Noah 5780-2019
“The Vital Importance of Truthful Judgment”
(Updated and Revised from Noah 5760-1999)
In the narrative of the Tower of Babel, the Bible depicts a would-be omniscient G-d as having to come down to see the city and the tower that the people had built. If G-d is truly omniscient, why should He have to come down; surely He knows of the wickedness of the people? The Torah is faced with a daunting challenge: Are moral lessons more important than theological truths?
0 Comments12 Minutes
Bereshith 5780-2019
How to Achieve Immortality the G-dly Way
(Revised and updated from Bereshith 5760-1999)
The Biblical story of the Garden of Eden teaches that two of the greatest human aspirations are the desire for omniscience and the desire for immortality. Both of these aspirations are symbolically represented by the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. However, immortality cannot be achieved through immorality. Fortunately, we can regain entry into the Garden of Eden by following G-d’s instruction. The story of the Garden of Eden may appear to be simplistic, but it is actually one of the most important lessons for all humankind.
0 Comments7 Minutes