Kedoshim 5784-2024
“Living a Truly Sanctified Life”
(updated and revised from Kedoshim 5765-2005)
The revolutionary concept of living a sanctified life might seem daunting, but in reality, it is a goal to be aspired to by every Jew. The exalted concept of being G-d-like is not out of the realm of human possibility.
0 Comments5 Minutes
Acharei Mot 5784-2024
“The Unfathomable Practice of Molech Worship”
(updated and revised from Acharei Mot 5771-2011)
After presenting an extensive list of prohibited marital and family relationships, the Torah, in parashat Acharei Mot, concludes with specific prohibitions against Molech worship, sodomy and bestiality. What was Molech? How was it practiced? Did Jews actually engage in this horrendous form of idolatry?
0 Comments8 Minutes
Passover 2024-5784
Passover 5784-2024
“In Every Generation”
(updated and revised from Passover 5765-2005)
The story of the Exodus and the celebration of the Passover recall the physical salvation of the Jews from the slavery of Egypt at the hand of Pharaoh. But more than the physical suffering of the Jews throughout the ages, the spiritual losses have taken an even greater toll on the Jewish people. Although we are justly focused at this time on the physical security of the State of Israel, the festival of Passover is an important opportunity for Jews the world over, who are now rapidly assimilating, to experience a true spiritual redemption during this Festival of Redemption.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Metzorah 5784-2024
"And You Think that Tzara'at is Weird?"
(updated and revised from Metzorah 5765-2005)
The ancient Biblical claims that a person could contract a dermatological disease by speaking l’shon hara (evil), strains our rational credibility. And, yet, every day scientific knowledge uncovers new, incredible discoveries that seem to be as absurd as the Biblical disease Tzara’at. Yet, many of these scientific discoveries are valid. In fact, we could not conduct our lives without utilizing these new scientific powers and discoveries. So, let us not be so quick to dismiss the Biblical disease, Tzara’at. In light of what we’ve already discovered scientifically, Tzara‘at may not at all be in the realm of impossibility.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Tazria 5784-2024
“Some Important Lessons to Learn from the Ancient Biblical Malady, Tzara’at”
(updated and revised from Tazria 5765-2005
The laws of the Biblical disease, Tzara’at, are complex, and on the surface, seem rather primitive. By examining the nuances of the text in parashat Tazria we may learn many profound lessons about judging others favorably, healing ourselves and coming closer to G-d.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Shemini 5784-2024
“Those Remarkable Dietary Laws”
(updated and revised from Shemini 5766-2006)
Kashruth in the 21st century is far more than a religious ritual. It is a profound bond that unites Jew to Jew, a most meaningful tether that secures an individual to a nation, the sacred energy that connects a people and a nation to its very essence.
0 Comments13 Minutes
Tzav 5784-2024
“Do Sacrifices Have Any Relevance for Us Today?”
(updated and revised from Tzav 5765-2005)
Our rabbis ask if the ancient sacrificial rituals have any relevance for us today. They respond by saying that both prayer and Torah study are meaningful contemporary substitutes for sacrifices, especially if we pray and study with full-hearted enthusiasm and proper awareness. If we do so, it is considered as if we have rebuilt the Temple and restored the altar to its ancient place of glory.
0 Comments6 Minutes