Vayeishev 5772-2011
“Interpreting the Dreams of Others”
In Canaan, Joseph dreamed about himself and his family. Now, a prisoner in Egypt, others were the dreamers, and Joseph becomes the interpreter of their dreams.
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Vayishlach 5772-2011
“Jacob Lines Up His Family for the Encounter With Esau”
In parashat Vayishlach, in anticipation of his dreaded encounter with his brother Esau, Jacob strategically lines up his family to assure their safety. It seems as if Jacob is prepared to sacrifice the handmaidens and their children in order for the children of Rachel and Leah to be spared. Could this possibly be true?
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Vayeitzei 5772-2011
“In Haran--A Kiss is Still a Kiss”
When Jacob arrives in Haran, he meets his beautiful cousin, Rachel, at the well. Not long after, Scripture reports that Jacob kissed Rachel, and wept. Jacob’s bold action launched a millennia-long controversy about the propriety of male-female contact in Judaism.
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Toledot 5772-2011
“Isaac Blesses His Sons”
Professor Menashe Duvshani was for many years the premier Bible educator for Israeli high school students. He offers a unique view on the story of Isaac blessing his sons.
0 Comments15 Minutes
Chayei Sarah 5772-2011
“The Mystery of Machpelah”
Why was Abraham so singularly determined to bury Sarah in the cave of Machpelah? Apparently, the cave had a very special meaning to him. As a result of Abraham’s actions, Machpelah was to develop into a most revered location for all Jews throughout the ages.
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