Vayeishev 5773-2012
“Heaven-Sent Spices”
A seemingly simple verse about Joseph’s brothers sitting down to eat bread, and seeing an Ishmaelite caravan from afar, proves to be a treasure-trove of insights into human nature that has broad and far-reaching implications.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Vayishlach 5773-2012
"Gid Ha’nasheh: The Sinew of the Thigh"
Why are Jews forbidden to eat "Gid Ha’nasheh,” the sinew of the thigh?
0 Comments8 Minutes
Vayeitzei 5773-2012
"The Complex Relationship Between Jacob, Rachel and Leah"
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik sheds some light on the complex relationship between Jacob, Rachel and Leah.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Toledot 5773-2012
"The Sale of the Birthright"
What really took place at the sale of the birthright? The Midrash fills in the many edifying details.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Chayei Sarah 5773-2012
"Beware Not to Return My Son There!"
Why was Abraham so adamant about not allowing his servant, Eliezer, to take Abraham’s son, Isaac, out of the land of Israel to look for an appropriate mate?
0 Comments11 Minutes