Acharei Mot-Kedoshim 5777-2017
“Judging Others Favorably”
Unfortunately, it is sadly true that many of us too frequently look at the negative rather than focus on the positive.
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Terumah 5777-2017
“ זִיכּוּי הָרַבִּים - Meriting the Broader Jewish Community”
The commandment to build a Mishkan, a temporary, portable Tabernacle for G-d, also includes the mitzvah to build “miniature Temples”--local synagogues. The operating principle which expands the command to build a Temple to include local synagogues, known as זִיכּוּי הָרַבִּים --“Zee’kuy ha’rah’bim” reflects the intent to bring merit to the broader Jewish community.
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B’shalach 5777-2017
“Miriam Leads the Women in Song"
In this week’s parasha, Miriam leads the women in song. It underscores the specialness of Miriam and the women of her generation, but also raises a host of issues regarding women and public singing.
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Passover II 5776-2016
“The Final Days of Passover: Love and Hope"
The final days of Passover are a precursor to the “End of Days.” They reflect the hope that the Messianic days are at hand, when peace will prevail on earth and when Israel’s special love relationship with G-d Al-mighty will be fully restored.
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Passover I 5772-2012
“Optimism and Faithfulness”
The message of Passover is the message of Springtime, of optimism and redemption. While we celebrate our salvation by the Al-mighty, we must remember the challenges that our people endured and continue to endure today. We must step forward to show our own personal goodness and, by extension, the extraordinary goodness of our faith and our tradition.
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Mikeitz 5766-2005
"Marketing G-d by Living Example"
Too often in the history of Judaism the lesson of the sanctification of G-d's name has been taught by those who were required to give up their lives. There is unfortunately little opportunity to learn the lesson of Kiddush Hashem (sanctification of G-d's name) by living example. Yosef Hatzadik, Joseph the Righteous, is probably the first and most prominent example of one who sanctified G-d's name, and through whose actions and words was able to influence others to acknowledge G-d in their own lives.
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Shavuot 5763-2003
"The Remarkable Legacy of Ruth, The Righteous Convert"
The Book of Ruth could easily pass for a stirring love story. However, the Book of Ruth is far more. It is, in fact, the volume that introduces some of the most exalted philosophical and theological concepts known to humankind. It was Ruth the Moabite who restored the virtue of chessed, loving-kindness, to the people of Israel.
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