Bamidbar 5784-2024
“Lessons from Traveling in the Wilderness”
(updated and revised from Bamidbar 5765-2005)
Parashat Bamidbar goes into great detail when describing the setup of the encampment of the ancient Israelites as they traveled and encamped in the wilderness. These details, seemingly insignificant, provide essential lessons for Jews, lessons that must be mastered and implemented in our own lives, to ensure the survival of our people.
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Bechukotai 5782-2022
“Ma’aser Shay’nee--The Second Tithe”
(updated and revised from Bechukotai 5763-2003)
From their earliest days of nationhood, the Jewish people understood that Jewish education was to be the peoples' foremost concern and must be their primary charitable priority. The donations of Ma’aser Shay’nee, the Second Tithe, were to be used or redeemed in Jerusalem, the spiritual center and educational hub of Israel—thus affirming the primacy of Jewish education.
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Va’etchanan 5780-2020
“The Mandate for Parental Involvement in Jewish Education”
(updated and revised from Va’etchanan 5761-2001)
The phrase “V’shee’nan’tahm l’vah’neh’chah” and you shall teach your children, found in the Shema prayer, underscores the Torah’s mandate requiring Jews to educate their children. There is no such thing as overdosing on Jewish education, or being too passionate or too extreme about the value of Jewish education. Parents must not compromise on Jewish education. The alternative is very much Jewish oblivion.
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Bamidbar 5780-2020
"Jewish Continuity through Family Structure”
(Updated and revised from Bamidbar 5761-2001)
G-d’s profound love for the Jewish people impels Him to continually count them, as one who counts a prized possession or money. Since families are the glue, the cement, of society, G-d set the ancient Israelites in an exacting tribal and familial structure in the wilderness. However, as the contemporary nuclear family erodes, the devastating breakdown of society is not far behind. We pray that G-d will soon restore all people to their proper tents, and especially the Jews to their tribes and to their familial orderliness, so that we, and all of humankind, may be strengthened and soon redeemed.
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Passover 1 5779-2019
“The Passover Seder–Focus on the Children”
(Revised and updated from Passover 5760-2000)
Even before the enslavement of the Jews began, Pharaoh instructed the midwives to kill all the newborn Jewish babies. The Midrash goes further, asserting that Pharaoh’s disproportionate hatred of Jewish children led him to try to remedy his leprosy affliction by bathing in the blood of Jewish children. On Passover night, every Jew is a child, and every Jew becomes a parent, to underscore the importance of nurturing the next generation.
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Toledot 5779-2018
“The Dangers of Assimilation”
When peace was made between him and the king of Gerar, Isaac realized that it was time to move away, to distance himself so that he could maintain his strong Jewish identity and live a full Jewish life with intensity and passion. Contemporary Jews, may need to do the same to ensure their own continuity.
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Lech Lecha 5774-2013
“Setting the Stage for the Jewish Future”
Our sages say that the deeds of the forefathers are signposts for the children. The story of Abraham and Sarah are truly predictive of both future Jewish history and contemporary Jewish life.
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Bamidbar 5765-2005
"Lessons from Traveling in the Wilderness"
Parashat Bamidbar goes into great detail regarding the setup of the encampment of the ancient Israelites as they lived and traveled in the wilderness. These details, seemingly insignificant, provide essential lessons for Jews, lessons that we should master, and implement in our own lives, thus insuring the survival of our people.
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Bechukotai 5763-2003
"Ma'aser Shay'nee, the Second Tithe"
From their earliest days of nationhood, the Jewish people understood that Jewish education was to be the peoples' foremost concern and should be their primary charitable priority. The donations of Ma'aser Shay'nee, the second tithe, were to be used or redeemed in Jerusalem, which served as a spiritual center and educational hub of Israel-in effect affirming the primacy of Jewish education.
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Va’etchanan 5761-2001
"The Mandate for Parental Involvement in Jewish Education"
The phrase "V'shee'nan'tahm l'vah'neh'chah" and you shall teach your children, found in the Shema, underscores the Torah's mandate requiring Jews to educate their children. There is no such thing as overdosing on Jewish education, or being too zealous or too extreme about Jewish education. Parents must not compromise on Jewish education. The alternative is very much Jewish oblivion.
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Bamidbar 5761-2001
"Continuity Through Family Structure"
G-d loves the Jewish people so much that He continually counts them like one counts a prized possession or money. The Jewish family is the glue, the cement of Jewish life. However, as the nuclear family erodes, the devastating breakdown of Jewish life is not far behind.
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Passover 5760-2000
"The Passover Seder--Focus on the Children"
Even before the enslavement of the Jews began, Pharaoh instructed the midwives to kill all newborn Jewish babies. The Midrash goes further, asserting that Pharaoh's disproportionate hatred of Jewish children led him to try to remedy his leprosy affliction by bathing in the blood of Jewish children. On Passover night, every Jew is a child, and every Jew becomes a parent, to underscore the importance of nurturing the next generation.
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