Vayeitzei 5776-2015
“Disclosing Personal Information For Shidduch Purposes”
The issue of relating private information for the sake of marriage is a serious one. The first encounter between Jacob and Rachel reveals some interesting facts and has bearing on this issue.
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Vayechi 5775-2014
“Jacob Remembers Rachel”
Although Joseph had already sworn to his father, Jacob, that he will bury his father in Canaan, Jacob unexpectedly raises the issue of Joseph’s mother, Rachel, and the fact that Jacob had failed to bury Rachel in the Machpelah Cave together with the other Matriarchs and Patriarchs.
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Vayeishev 5775-2014
"Who Sold Joseph?"
The Biblical verses regarding the sale of Joseph conceal more than they reveal, leaving the answer to the question of who sold Joseph entirely ambiguous.
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Vayishlach 5775-2014
“She Called His Name ‘Ben Oni’”
As Rachel’s life ebbs from her during the birth of her second son, she calls the child “Ben Oni.” Jacob rejects the name, and calls the child “Binyamin.” What is the difference in the meanings of the names?
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Vayeitzei 5775-2014
“Twenty Years in the House of Laban”
The dream that Jacob dreams of a ladder set on earth leading up to heaven, with angels of G-d ascending and descending upon the ladder, provides Jacob with the necessary spiritual fortitude to endure and survive the twenty years that he spends in the house of Laban.
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Bereshith 5775-2014
“The Sad Destiny of the Firstborn Children”
A prominent feature of the book of Genesis is the struggle for dominance between the first born and the younger siblings. In each instance, the younger sibling is chosen to serve as leader.
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Kee Tisah 5774-2014
“Moses Argues with G-d to Save the Jewish People from Destruction”
Moses’ argument with G-d to forgive the people for the sin of the Golden Calf serves as a paradigm for future petitions of the Al-mighty to forgive the sins of His people.
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Vayechi 5774-2013
“Reconciliation and Death”
The Midrash greatly embellishes the final chapters of Genesis by adding fascinating details regarding the reconciliation of Joseph with his brothers and Joseph’s demise.
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Vayigash 5774-2013
“The Dreams and the Divine Covenant”
As Jacob’s entire family bows down before Joseph, all of Joseph’s dreams finally come true. But not only Joseph’s dreams come to fruition, the prophesies and predictions of the Covenant between the Pieces have also begun to be realized.
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Vayeitzei 5774-2013
"Jacob Separates from Laban"
There is much to learn from the complex separation process that takes place between Jacob and his wily father-in-law, Laban.
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Bamidbar-Shavuot 5773-2013
"The Invaluable Legacy of the Ancient Camp of Israel"
The counting of the People of Israel and the establishment of the tribal camps is one of the most important achievements in the long history of Judaism.
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Vayishlach 5773-2012
"Gid Ha’nasheh: The Sinew of the Thigh"
Why are Jews forbidden to eat "Gid Ha’nasheh,” the sinew of the thigh?
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Vayeitzei 5773-2012
"The Complex Relationship Between Jacob, Rachel and Leah"
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik sheds some light on the complex relationship between Jacob, Rachel and Leah.
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Toledot 5773-2012
"The Sale of the Birthright"
What really took place at the sale of the birthright? The Midrash fills in the many edifying details.
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Vayechi 5772-2012
"The Scepter Shall Not Depart from Judah"
The commentators are divided over whether Jacob’s statement, that the scepter shall not depart from Judah, was intended as a decree or as a promise.
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Vayishlach 5772-2011
“Jacob Lines Up His Family for the Encounter With Esau”
In parashat Vayishlach, in anticipation of his dreaded encounter with his brother Esau, Jacob strategically lines up his family to assure their safety. It seems as if Jacob is prepared to sacrifice the handmaidens and their children in order for the children of Rachel and Leah to be spared. Could this possibly be true?
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Vayeitzei 5772-2011
“In Haran--A Kiss is Still a Kiss”
When Jacob arrives in Haran, he meets his beautiful cousin, Rachel, at the well. Not long after, Scripture reports that Jacob kissed Rachel, and wept. Jacob’s bold action launched a millennia-long controversy about the propriety of male-female contact in Judaism.
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Toledot 5772-2011
“Isaac Blesses His Sons”
Professor Menashe Duvshani was for many years the premier Bible educator for Israeli high school students. He offers a unique view on the story of Isaac blessing his sons.
0 Comments15 Minutes