Bo 5784-2024
“The More Things Change...”
(updated and revised from Bo 5764-2004)
In the last moments of their ‘sojourn” in the Egypt where they were held them in bondage for hundreds of years, the Israelites are told to gather gold and silver from their former Egyptian masters. To the casual observer it appears that the Jews are vengefully looting Egypt. Perhaps, though, the fulfillment of this command represents the mental journey that the Jews must travel from slavery to freedom, or compensation for the years of slavery and the property they had to leave in Egypt.
0 Comments14 Minutes
Vayeitzei 5783-2022
“The Transformation of Jacob”
(updated and revised from Vayeitzei 5763-2002)
At first glance, Jacob appears to be a congenital deceiver. He takes the birthright from his brother then steals Esau's blessing. Even Jacob’s father, Isaac describes the taking of the blessing by Jacob as an act of deception. Jacob however undergoes a transformation in which he realizes that evil cannot be deceived but must be confronted directly. For this reason, Jacob is to be regarded as a particularly exalted figure, for teaching humankind how one is to deal with one's own shortcomings.
0 Comments18 Minutes
Kee Tavo 5782-2022
“Watch Out for Laban, He’s More Dangerous than Pharaoh!”
(updated and revised from Kee Tavo 5763-2003)
As part of the Bikkurim declaration, the celebrants stated that, "An Aramean tried to destroy my father." The Torah thus sees the Aramean, Laban, as more dangerous than Pharaoh. The fact that Pharaoh wants to do us in, is well known, so we can be on our guard. Our brother Laban, however, the wily Aramean, is always out there waiting for us, feigning love, conspiring to defeat us. We need to always be on watch for him.
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Vayechi 5782-2021
“The Debate: Burial in the Land of Israel”
(updated and revised from Vayechi 5762-2001)
In parashat Vayechi, both Jacob and Joseph request to be buried in the land of Israel rather than in Egypt. The Midrash Rabbah records a major debate between the sages regarding whether being buried in the land of Israel for someone who lived in galut is good or bad. The Abarbanel seems to assert that only those people who lived righteous lives outside of Israel are entitled to be buried in Israel, otherwise their bodies defile the land.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Devarim 5781-2021
“Judging Our People Favorably”
(Updated and revised from Devarim 5762-2002)
The powerful words of Isaiah in this week's Haftarah resound today with surprising relevance, as if they were pronounced only yesterday. Despite Isaiah's harsh assessment of the people, we, like the prophet of old, need to look upon the people of Israel and judge them favorably. After all, contemporary Jews face similar challenges to those of the ancients, and need to be judged favorably as well.
0 Comments9 Minutes