Passover 2024-5784
Passover 5784-2024
“In Every Generation”
(updated and revised from Passover 5765-2005)
The story of the Exodus and the celebration of the Passover recall the physical salvation of the Jews from the slavery of Egypt at the hand of Pharaoh. But more than the physical suffering of the Jews throughout the ages, the spiritual losses have taken an even greater toll on the Jewish people. Although we are justly focused at this time on the physical security of the State of Israel, the festival of Passover is an important opportunity for Jews the world over, who are now rapidly assimilating, to experience a true spiritual redemption during this Festival of Redemption.
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Passover I 5765-2005
"In Every Generation"
The story of the Exodus and the celebration of the Passover recalls the physical salvation of the Jews from the slavery of Egypt at the hand of Pharaoh. But more than the physical suffering of the Jews throughout the ages, the spiritual losses have taken an even greater toll on the Jewish people. The festival of Passover is an important opportunity for the vast majority of the Jews of the world who are now rapidly assimilating to experience a true spiritual redemption during this Festival of Redemption.
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