Balak 5782-2022
“How Goodly Are Your Tents O’ Jacob”
(updated and revised from Balak 5764-2004)
Targum Jonathan, the Aramaic translation of the Torah, states that Balaam saw the schools of the Jewish people and was moved to say: "How goodly are your tents O' Jacob?" The "number one" priority in Jewish life is to ensure that committed Jews remain committed. There is no better way of ensuring that commitment, than by providing quality intensive Jewish education for our children. If we fail to do so, then our Jewish future is in jeopardy.
0 Comments16 Minutes
Balak 5764-2004
"How Goodly are Your Tents O' Jacob?"
Targum Jonathan, the Aramaic translation of the Torah, says that Bilaam saw the schools of the Jewish people and was moved to say: "How goodly are your tents O' Jacob?" The "number one" priority in Jewish life is to ensure that committed Jews remain committed. There is no better way of ensuring that commitment, than by providing outstanding intensive Jewish education for our children. If we fail to do so, then our Jewish future is in jeopardy.
0 Comments14 Minutes