Balak 5779-2019
“History Repeats Itself! Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”
(Revised and updated from Chukat-Balak 5760-2000)
According to tradition, the nations of Moab and Midian were mortal enemies. As usual, as we see once again in parashat Balak, that the one thing that unites our enemies is their unremitting enmity of Israel, which is greater than their hatred for each other. That pattern has repeated itself throughout Jewish history. Indeed, parashat Balak confirms that: “The deeds of the fathers are the signposts for the children.”
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Chukat-Balak 5760-2000
"History Repeats Itself! Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"
According to tradition, the nations of Moab and Midian were mortal enemies. As usual, as we see once again in parashat Chukat, the one thing that unites our enemies is their enmity of Israel, which is greater than their hatred for each other. That pattern has repeated itself throughout Jewish history. Indeed, the deeds of the fathers are the signposts for the children.
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Chukat-Balak 5760-2000
"History Repeats Itself! Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"
According to tradition, the nations of Moab and Midian were mortal enemies. As usual, as we see once again is parashat Chukat, the one thing that unites our enemies is the enmity of Israel, which is greater than their hatred for each other. That pattern has repeated itself throughout Jewish history. Indeed the deeds of the fathers are the signposts for the children.
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