Shemot 5777-2017
“From Whence Shall Come My Salvation?”
Sometimes the source of salvation can be traced back to the actual challenge itself.
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Vayeitzei 5775-2014
“Twenty Years in the House of Laban”
The dream that Jacob dreams of a ladder set on earth leading up to heaven, with angels of G-d ascending and descending upon the ladder, provides Jacob with the necessary spiritual fortitude to endure and survive the twenty years that he spends in the house of Laban.
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Mikeitz 5766-2005
"Marketing G-d by Living Example"
Too often in the history of Judaism the lesson of the sanctification of G-d's name has been taught by those who were required to give up their lives. There is unfortunately little opportunity to learn the lesson of Kiddush Hashem (sanctification of G-d's name) by living example. Yosef Hatzadik, Joseph the Righteous, is probably the first and most prominent example of one who sanctified G-d's name, and through whose actions and words was able to influence others to acknowledge G-d in their own lives.
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