Toledot 5771-2010
“Isaac, the Man of Commitment”
When comparing Isaac’s experiences in Gerar, we find several similarities with Abraham’s experiences in both Gerar and Egypt. But what accounts for the many differences?
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Shelach 5770-2010
"Was the Sin of the Scouts Greater than the Sin of the Golden Calf?"
G-d forgives the people for the sin of the Golden Calf, but not when the scouts return with an evil report about the land of Canaan. Is it possible that the sin of the scouts was greater than the sin of the Golden Calf?
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Vayakhel-Pekudei 5770-2010
"Heaven Helps Those Who Help Themselves"
The biblical verse announcing the completion of the building of the Tabernacle describes the Tabernacle as if it had erected itself, and also that it had been erected by the people. This conflict is resolved by the rabbinic interpretation, which concludes that the Al-mighty helped the people build the complex structure, but because of the people's uncommon devotion, attributed the entire building to the people.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Va’eira 5770-2010
"Shortness of Breath and Hard Work"
The Bible states that the ancient Israelites could not hear Moses' favorable message of G-d's impending salvation due to "shortness of breath and hard work." What does this mean? And what are the implications for contemporary times?
0 Comments7 Minutes
Shemot 5770-2010
"In Those Days, In These Times"
In a single generation, unbridled adulation for Joseph turns into the enslavement of the entire Jewish people. How did it happen? Are Jews possibly facing a similar future in North America today?
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Toledot 5770-2009
"The Jew Under the Microscope"
Jewish material success in the diaspora has often resulted in resentment of the Jew. This principle is clearly articulated in Isaac's successful endeavors in Grar and his subsequent expulsion.
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Va’eira 5769-2009
"Why Didn't the Egyptians Rebel Against Pharaoh?"
Egypt had already suffered through seven plagues. The Egyptian people were down on their knees. Why didn't the citizens rebel against Pharaoh? Why did they allow their storied civilization to be destroyed before their very eyes?
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Bereshith 5769-2008
"The Development of Civilization as Recorded in Genesis"
The Torah is primarily a record of the theological developments and accomplishments of humankind. Only in an indirect manner does the Torah teach about cultural developments and the evolving skills of society. While it is related almost coincidently, the knowledge found in the Torah regarding ancient civilization is invaluable
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Masei 5768-2008
"Optimism: The Call of the Hour"
From slight nuances in the textual structure, we learn that the priorities of the people were different from the priorities of Moses. Our rabbis teach that Moses possessed a sense of optimism that was lacking in the people of Israel.
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Kedoshim 5768-2008
"Establishing a Truly Ethical Society: Honesty in Business"
In parashat Kedoshim, the Torah exhorts the Jewish merchant to be honest in his weights and measures. This fundamental principle sets the tone for the extraordinary and revolutionary regulations that govern the conduct of Jewish businessmen, and serve as the guiding principles for a truly ethical and moral community.
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Bo 5768-2008
"Is This What You Call Borrowing?"
The Torah tells us that the former Jewish slaves borrowed gold and silver utensils and garments from their Egyptian neighbors, emptying out Egypt. Couldn't the Al-mighty have found a better way to fulfill the Abrahamitic promise that the Jews would leave their exile, slavery and persecution with great wealth?
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Shemot 5768-2007
"Who Were the Midwives?"
How did the Jews turn from acclaimed heroes in the time of Joseph into despised enemies in the period of only 100 years? Who exactly were the heroic midwives who risked their lives by defying Pharaoh and saving the Jewish male children?
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Vayeishev 5768-2007
"The Seduction of Joseph"
Joseph's attempted seduction by Mrs. Potiphar concludes with Joseph being thrown in to the dungeon. The copious details of Mrs. Potiphar's attempted seduction of Joseph, and Joseph's resistance, raise questions about the presumption that all of Mrs. Potiphar's actions were wicked and all of Joseph's actions were righteous.
0 Comments14 Minutes
Vayigash 5767-2006
"Two of the Seventy Souls"
The Torah lists 70 descendants of Jacob who entered Egypt. Two names seem to be out of place among the 70 "souls" that are recorded: Serach, the daughter of Asher, and Shaul, the son of the Canaanite woman. Who were these unusual people, and why were they singled out?
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Vayechi 5766-2006
"The Passing of a Patriarch"
Father Jacob had given his children explicit instructions how to conduct his funeral and burial. His instructions, however, clashed with the political and social mores of Egypt. The all-powerful Joseph needed to navigate the very sensitive path necessary to accommodate the Egyptians, yet ensure the fulfillment of his deceased father's wishes.
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Vayigash 5766-2006
"And Judah Approached"
In parashat Vayigash, scripture tells us that Judah approached "him," probably meaning Joseph. Our commentators struggle to understand the meaning of the word "Va'yee'gash." Whatever the meaning of the word, the context of the biblical story calls on every person to assume the mantle of courage and leadership, and to step in where necessary to show a sense of responsibility toward all Jews.
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B’shalach 5765-2005
"Vah'chah'moo'shim“-A Call to Arms"
In parashat B'shalach the Torah tells us that the Israelites went out of Egypt, "chah'moo'shim," usually translated as "armed." Chah'moo'shim however is a word that has many interpretations and many deep and subtle meanings that teach us that much more than physical/military defense is needed to protect the Jewish people.
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Vayechi 5765-2004
"The Sealed Torah Portion"
Parashat Vayechi is the only portion in the Torah that is "sealed," beginning as a direct continuation of the previous week's parasha, Vayigash. There are many reasons suggested by the rabbis for this "closure." Their numerous responses lead us on an intriguing and revealing excursion of Judaism and Jewish history.
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Vayeishev 5765-2004
"A Personality Profile of Joseph"
The personality of Joseph is complex and fascinating. Much of Joseph's future life is determined by his early childhood, especially the death of his mother and the fact that he was favored by his father. How Joseph deals with these elements of his life constitutes one of the most fascinating stories in human literature.
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Bo 5764-2004
"The More Things Change..."
In the last moments of their sojourn in the Egyptian land that held them in bondage for hundreds of years, the Jews are told to gather gold and silver from their former Egyptian masters. To the casual observer it appears that the Jews are vengefully looting Egypt. Perhaps, though, the fulfillment of this command represents the mental journey that the Jews must travel from slavery to freedom. The looting of Egypt and its repercussions, are felt to this day.
0 Comments13 Minutes