Vayeishev 5775-2014
"Who Sold Joseph?"
The Biblical verses regarding the sale of Joseph conceal more than they reveal, leaving the answer to the question of who sold Joseph entirely ambiguous.
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Lech Lecha 5775-2014
“Lot Grows Increasingly Estranged from his Uncle Abram”
What starts off as an extremely close relationship between Abram and his orphaned nephew Lot, eventually becomes a complete estrangement. What was the cause of that estrangement?
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Bo 5774-2014
“In the Blink of an Eye”
Almost instantly, the status of the Jews in Egypt is transformed from that of vile enemy to respected friend, underscoring that salvation from G-d can occur in the blink of an eye.
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Shemot 5774-2013
“G-d Recognizes His People's Sufferings”
What was it that G-d saw in the behavior of the People of Israel that caused the Al-mighty to respond to the people’s cries at this particular time?
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Vayigash 5774-2013
“The Dreams and the Divine Covenant”
As Jacob’s entire family bows down before Joseph, all of Joseph’s dreams finally come true. But not only Joseph’s dreams come to fruition, the prophesies and predictions of the Covenant between the Pieces have also begun to be realized.
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Korach 5773-2013
“The Rebellion Against the Lonely Leader”
What sparked the rebellion against Moses? Why was this great man the lonely leader of Israel?
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Va’eira 5773-2013
"The ‘Outstretched Arm’ and the ‘Mighty Hand’"
Why does the Al-mighty rescue Israel with both an “outstretched arm” and a “mighty hand”?
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Va’eira 5772-2012
“The Decline and Collapse of the Egyptian Magicians”
The Bible reports that the Egyptian magicians encourage Pharaoh’s resistance by replicating several of the Ten Plagues. Soon, however, we learn of the precipitous decline and collapse of the Egyptian magicians.
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Shemot 5772-2012
“A Truly Moral Man Goes Out To His Brethren”
Although Jews may prefer to regard Moses exclusively as the leader of the Jewish people, Moses clearly emerges as the shepherd of all humankind.
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Vayeishev 5772-2011
“Interpreting the Dreams of Others”
In Canaan, Joseph dreamed about himself and his family. Now, a prisoner in Egypt, others were the dreamers, and Joseph becomes the interpreter of their dreams.
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B’shalach 5771-2011
"Avoiding the Philistines"
Despite G-d’s intentions to bring the people to the Promised Land, G-d does not lead the Israelites on a direct route to Canaan. The commentators question: What was the Al-mighty’s strategy in taking a roundabout route?
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Bo 5771-2011
“‘Is This What You Call Borrowing?’--Revisited”
In this week’s analysis, we offer two additional significant responses, attempting to explain how the Israelites were permitted to “borrow” vessels of gold and silver from their Egyptian neighbors, emptying out Egypt.
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Va’eira 5771-2011
"Messages from the Nile"
As the central feature of Egypt, it was logical that the Nile would be the first object of G-d’s wrath. Hence, the first two plagues, blood and frogs, are visited upon the Nile. But, there is much more that the Nile represents.
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Shemot 5771-2010
“Pharaoh’s Three Counselors”
The rabbis of the Midrash are not satisfied with the causes cited by Scripture (dual loyalty, or the Egyptians’ fear that the Israelites will depart and leave Egypt impoverished) that presumably lead Pharaoh to call for enslaving the Jews and killing their children. The Midrash therefore attempts to tie together all the loose ends in the story of Israel’s experiences in Egypt.
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Vayechi 5771-2010
“A Very Imposing Camp”
The Torah informs us that when Joseph and his family went to bring his father Jacob to Canaan for burial, they were accompanied by both chariots and horsemen--a very imposing camp. Was this great retinue a reflection of the Egyptians’ enormous respect for Jacob and Joseph, or were there other, more nefarious, reasons for this show of respect?
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Vayigash 5771-2010
“When a Jew Goes Down to Egypt”
How is it that for 22 years, the second most powerful person in Egypt never found the opportunity to visit the land of Canaan if only to see his beloved father and family, from whom he had been so brutally separated?
0 Comments9 Minutes