Vayeishev 5785-2024
“The Vast Majority of the Time, G-d Rules the World!”
(updated and revised from Vayeishev 5766-2005)
Although most of us live our lives under the common assumption that we all have freedom of will, there are times when G-d invokes a Divine plan, requiring human beings to follow a preordained script. In parashat Vayeishev, we see the very dominant role that G-d plays in Joseph’s life, and the inexorable fulfillment of the Divine predictions articulated in the Covenant between the Pieces.
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Va’eira 5780-2019
“G-d Hardens Pharaoh's Heart:
Reconciling Omniscience with Free Will”
(revised and updated from Va’eira 5760-2000)
Our commentators struggle with G-d’s statement to Moses: “And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart.” Does this imply that G-d has taken away Pharaoh’s free will? Among the host of responses offered by the commentators, is that Pharaoh hardened his own heart during the first 5 plagues, and was punished five times by G-d hardening Pharaoh’s heart during the last 5 plagues. Many of the responses given by the commentators to this issue are quite insightful and resourceful. They must be studied carefully in order to appreciate them fully.
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Vayeira 5779-2018
“The Tension Between Human Love and Divine Will”
In a clash between human love and Divine will, Divine will must always prevail.
0 Comments6 Minutes
Vayeishev 5775-2014
"Who Sold Joseph?"
The Biblical verses regarding the sale of Joseph conceal more than they reveal, leaving the answer to the question of who sold Joseph entirely ambiguous.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Vayechi 5774-2013
“Reconciliation and Death”
The Midrash greatly embellishes the final chapters of Genesis by adding fascinating details regarding the reconciliation of Joseph with his brothers and Joseph’s demise.
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Vayeishev 5773-2012
“Heaven-Sent Spices”
A seemingly simple verse about Joseph’s brothers sitting down to eat bread, and seeing an Ishmaelite caravan from afar, proves to be a treasure-trove of insights into human nature that has broad and far-reaching implications.
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Vayeishev 5766-2005
"The Vast Majority of the Time, G-d Rules the World"
Although most of us live our lives under the assumption that we have freedom of will, there are times when G-d invokes a divine plan, requiring human beings to follow a preordained script. In parashat Vayeishev, we see the very dominant role that G-d plays in Joseph's life, and the inexorable fulfillment of the divine predictions found in the Covenant between the Pieces.
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Va’eira 5760-2000
"G-d Hardens Pharaoh's Heart: Reconciling Omniscience and Free Will"
Our commentators struggle over G-d's statement to Moses: "And I will harden Pharaoh's heart." Does this imply that G-d has taken away Pharaoh's free will? Among the host of responses offered by the commentators is that Pharaoh hardened his own heart during the first 5 plagues, and was punished by G-d hardening Pharaoh's heart during the last 5 plagues. Many of the responses given by the commentators to this issue are quite insightful and resourceful. They must be studied carefully in order to appreciate them fully.
0 Comments7 Minutes