Chukat 5779-2019
“Can Death Be Sweet?”
(Revised and updated from Chukat 5761-2001)
In parashat Chukat we learn of the death of Aaron, one of the Jewish people’s most beloved figures. According to the Midrash, Aaron had the privilege of leaving the physical world knowing that his children were following in his footsteps, and committed to serving the Jewish people. Aaron truly has a “sweet demise.”
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Tetzaveh 5778-2018
“The Brothers: Moses and Aaron”
The Book of Exodus not only introduces the concept of brotherhood, but provides an extraordinary paradigm of brotherhood through the special relationship of Moses and Aaron.
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Chukat 5768-2008
"The Death of Aaron"
Why was Aaron mourned by all the people of Israel while Moses was not? The Midrash suggests that Aaron had a very special relationship with all the people because of his great commitment to love and pursuit of peace. It was Aaron's obsession with peace that brought enemies together and turned them into friends. He was an extraordinary promoter of marital harmony between husbands and wives and was able to turn the wicked into penitents. This resulted in a powerful and abiding love that the people felt for Aaron.
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Chukat 5761-2001
"Can Death Be Sweet?"
In parashat Chukat we learn of the death of Aaron, one of the Jewish people's most beloved figures. According to the midrash, Aaron had the privilege of leaving the physical world knowing that his children were following in his footsteps, and committed to serving the Jewish people. Aaron truly has a "sweet" death.
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