Re’eh 5774-2014
“Giving Charity Kindly and Generously”
The Torah introduced the revolutionary concept of charity to the world. Despite its virtually universal acceptance today, it was not always looked upon favorably in many societies.
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Vayeitzei 5774-2013
"Jacob Separates from Laban"
There is much to learn from the complex separation process that takes place between Jacob and his wily father-in-law, Laban.
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Re’eh 5772-2012
“The Gift of Self Esteem”
From the ancient laws of the Hebrew servant, we behold an astounding reality--that the Torah, a document written more than 3,300 years ago, was deeply sensitive to the emotional needs of the downtrodden. What could be a greater gift to give one who is in pain than the gift of self-esteem?
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Pinchas 5770-2010
"The Colorful Biography of Pinchas"
Although Pinchas, the son of Elazar the priest, is widely known for his zealotry, he has an astonishing record of achievement that is not widely known. The Talmud and Midrash generously amplify on Pinchas' colorful resume.
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Bamidbar 5766-2006
"Valuable Insights from the Priestly Logistics"
In parashat Bamidbar we are told that Elazar, despite his prestigious position and noble background, carried many of the Tabernacle supplies in his own hands. There is much to be learned from Elazar's humility, and his preparedness to perform even the most menial of tasks. This attitude is what made him a worthy successor to his father as High Priest, and most fitting to serve as a model for future generations to admire and seek to emulate.
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Korach 5765-2005
"Lessons from the Rebels"
The sad story of the rebellion of Korach and his tragic demise are remote and far-removed from the minds and experiences of most contemporary men and women. There are, however, many profound lessons to be learned from the Korach saga regarding individual destiny choices, living up to one's potential and working within given structure.
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