Vayikra 5778-2018
"The Sins of a Leader”
By implying that all leaders and princes will sin, is the Torah teaching that all systems of government are doomed to failure?
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Va’eira 5768-2007
"Moses, the Exalted Leader"
Moses, the greatest prophet of Israel, comes to his position of leadership through much pain and profound challenge. Without charisma, and barely qualifying as a speaker, he teaches that leadership is based on moral courage and uncompromising devotion to truth.
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Shoftim 5767-2007
"The King of Israel: The Privileged and Obligated Monarch"
In parashat Shoftim, we read about the appointment of a king for the people in the land of Israel. Is this appointment optional or required? What rules "govern" the king? What kind of government does Judaism advocate--a theocracy, a monarchy or a democracy?
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Chukat 5767-2007
"The Excesses of Rationality"
Parashat Chukat, which features the obtuse law of the Red Heifer, comes hard on the heels of Parashat Korach, the rebellion of Korach and his cohorts. The Midrash portrays at least part of Korach's rebellion as being due to his demand that everything be understood and completely rational. Chukat comes to teach that it is not the opinion of the people that determines the truth of Judaism, but rather the opinion of G-d, Torah and Moses--even though it may not be rational, such as the Red Heifer.
0 Comments6 Minutes