Bamidbar 5781-2021
“Counting on the People of Israel"
(updated and revised from Bamidbar 5762-2002)
The excruciating detail that the Torah goes into when reporting on the census of the People of Israel, underscores the importance of the organizational structure of the Jewish people. The redundant counting of the Jewish people in the parasha may be a rabbi's nightmare, but the details underscore each individual Jew's preciousness.
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Bamidbar 5780-2020
"Jewish Continuity through Family Structure”
(Updated and revised from Bamidbar 5761-2001)
G-d’s profound love for the Jewish people impels Him to continually count them, as one who counts a prized possession or money. Since families are the glue, the cement, of society, G-d set the ancient Israelites in an exacting tribal and familial structure in the wilderness. However, as the contemporary nuclear family erodes, the devastating breakdown of society is not far behind. We pray that G-d will soon restore all people to their proper tents, and especially the Jews to their tribes and to their familial orderliness, so that we, and all of humankind, may be strengthened and soon redeemed.
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Bamidbar 5762-2002
"Counting on the People of Israel"
The excruciating detail that the Torah goes into when reporting on the census of the People of Israel underscores the importance of the organizational structure of the Jewish people. The redundant counting of the Jewish people in the parasha may be a rabbi's nightmare, but the detail underscores each Jew's preciousness. This high regard for each Jewish soul is what really keeps our people together and unified.
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Bamidbar 5761-2001
"Continuity Through Family Structure"
G-d loves the Jewish people so much that He continually counts them like one counts a prized possession or money. The Jewish family is the glue, the cement of Jewish life. However, as the nuclear family erodes, the devastating breakdown of Jewish life is not far behind.
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