Chayei Sarah 5782-2021
“Raising Jewish Children in a Challenging Environment”
(updated and revised from Chayei Sarah 5762-2001)
Abraham had eight children: Isaac, Ishmael and his six children with his wife Keturah. Only Isaac and Ishmael are reported to have attended Abraham's burial, and only Isaac is expected to continue the spiritual legacy of Abraham. Nevertheless, the Zohar Chadash notes that even the six children of Keturah are called “Abraham's children,” attesting to the fact that they carried the spark of Abraham in their souls, however much it may have been hidden. There are many lessons that we should learn from Abraham and his child-rearing experiences.
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Chayei Sarah 5779-2018
“Abraham’s Eulogy for His Beloved Sarah”
While others, who spoke at Sarah’s funeral, emphasized how Sarah was a true help-meet to Abraham, Abraham himself spoke of his wife as a spiritual giant herself.
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Vayechi 5775-2014
“Jacob Remembers Rachel”
Although Joseph had already sworn to his father, Jacob, that he will bury his father in Canaan, Jacob unexpectedly raises the issue of Joseph’s mother, Rachel, and the fact that Jacob had failed to bury Rachel in the Machpelah Cave together with the other Matriarchs and Patriarchs.
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Chayei Sarah 5772-2011
“The Mystery of Machpelah”
Why was Abraham so singularly determined to bury Sarah in the cave of Machpelah? Apparently, the cave had a very special meaning to him. As a result of Abraham’s actions, Machpelah was to develop into a most revered location for all Jews throughout the ages.
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Chayei Sarah 5768-2007
"O Captain, My Captain"
Abraham passes away at age 175. His passing and his burial are described in only four verses. Yet there is much to be gleaned from the nuances of the text. The Midrash and the sages derive many powerful lessons from this brief biblical passage.
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Vayechi 5766-2006
"The Passing of a Patriarch"
Father Jacob had given his children explicit instructions how to conduct his funeral and burial. His instructions, however, clashed with the political and social mores of Egypt. The all-powerful Joseph needed to navigate the very sensitive path necessary to accommodate the Egyptians, yet ensure the fulfillment of his deceased father's wishes.
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Chayei Sara 5762-2001
"Raising Jewish Children In A Challenging Environment"
Abraham had eight children: Isaac, Ishmael and his six children with Keturah. Only Isaac and Ishmael are reported to have attended Abraham's burial, and only Isaac is expected to continue the spiritual legacy of Abraham. Nevertheless, the Zohar Chadash notes that even the six children of Keturah are called Abraham's children, attesting to the fact that they carried the spark of Abraham in their souls, however much it may be hidden. There are many lessons that we may learn from Abraham and his child-rearing techniques.
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