Tetzaveh 5779-2019
“Clothes: A Reflection of the Divine Image”
(Revised and updated from Tetzaveh 5760-2000)
Clothes play an important role in Judaism and in Jewish tradition. After all, the Al-mighty was the “First Designer” of clothes for Adam and Eve. The clothes that the priests wore, not only invested them with sanctity, but also represented the values that the priests were trying to communicate to the people.
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Tetzaveh 5776-2016
"Feeling the Pain of Others who are in Need"
Just as the Torah instructs the High Priest to wear the Breastplate on his heart, so must each Jew feel the pain of those who are in need.
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Tetzaveh 5775-2015
“The High Priest Wears the Names of Israel on His Heart”
The commentators suggest that while the priestly vestments serve to identify a priest, they also represent important ideas and messages that are reflected in the garments and have bearing on the priests’ actions and duties.
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Pekudei 5771-2011
"The Meaning of the Priestly Vestments"
Not only do each of the eight priestly vestments have profound symbolic meanings, but even the way the garments are worn is meant to convey a life lesson to the priests and the people whom they serve.
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Tetzaveh 5769-2009
"The Urim and Tumim--The Mysterious Priestly Accessory"
One of the special accessories that the High Priest wore is known as the Urim v'Tumim. It is a rather mysterious vestment and apparently had the power to determine Jewish law, and provide guidance for the leaders of Israel and the people. According to Rashi, Urim stands for light and Tumim stands for clarity.
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