Passover 5778-2018
“The Opening Act”
The wise authors of the Hagaddah knew well that if the reader’s or participant’s attention is not captured in the first few moments of the Seder ritual, then the likelihood of success is much diminished. That is why they created a natural, dramatic opening for the Seder, one that has had repeated success for more than two thousand years.
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Tzav–Passover 1 5778-2018
Tzav--Passover 1 5778-2018
Just as the Mincha, the meal offering that was offered in the ancient Temple, sanctified everything it touched, so do we hope that the Passover symbols and rituals will sanctify and elevate all those who experience them at the Passover Seder.
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Passover 5777-2017
“לֶחֶם עֹנִי --Lechem Oni: The Bread of Affliction
Matzah is referred to in scripture as "Lechem Oni," the bread of affliction. It is important for contemporary Jews to remember the message and meaning of "Lechem Oni," during our own Passover celebrations.
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