Lech Lecha 5780-2019
“Understanding the Ritual of Circumcision”
(updated and revised from Lech Lecha 5760-1999)
The ritual of circumcision, performed on the eighth day on the flesh of the Jewish male, has always been the fundamental mark of identity for the Jewish man. There are those who say that the letting of blood during the circumcision is a constant reminder that the Jewish people must live by their blood. It may also mean that whether the Jewish people live or die will be determined by the organ that is circumcised. After all, Jewish destiny depends upon how the Jewish males choose to use their sexual organ.
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Va’eira 5777-2017
"The Dangers of Self Delusion”
When Pharaoh saw that there was relief from the plague of frogs, he hardened his heart. There is grave danger in self-delusion, thinking that now that relief has arrived, we will no longer be held accountable.
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Va’eira 5772-2012
“The Decline and Collapse of the Egyptian Magicians”
The Bible reports that the Egyptian magicians encourage Pharaoh’s resistance by replicating several of the Ten Plagues. Soon, however, we learn of the precipitous decline and collapse of the Egyptian magicians.
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Va’eira 5771-2011
"Messages from the Nile"
As the central feature of Egypt, it was logical that the Nile would be the first object of G-d’s wrath. Hence, the first two plagues, blood and frogs, are visited upon the Nile. But, there is much more that the Nile represents.
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Lech Lecha – 5760-1999
"Understanding the Rite of Circumcision"
The ritual of circumcision, performed on the flesh of the Jewish male, has always been the fundamental mark of identity for the Jewish man. There are those who say that the letting of blood during the circumcision is a constant reminder that the Jewish people must live by their blood. It may also mean that the Jewish people live (or die) by the organ that is circumcised. After all, Jewish destiny depends upon how the Jewish male chooses to use his sexual organ. If Jewish men marry Jewish women and build strong Jewish families, then the covenant of G-d and the Jewish people will be affirmed. If, however, Jewish males allow themselves to be seduced and proceed to sow in foreign fields, then the covenant between G-d and the Jewish people is not only threatened, but may very likely be lost forever.
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