Tazria 5784-2024
“Some Important Lessons to Learn from the Ancient Biblical Malady, Tzara’at”
(updated and revised from Tazria 5765-2005
The laws of the Biblical disease, Tzara’at, are complex, and on the surface, seem rather primitive. By examining the nuances of the text in parashat Tazria we may learn many profound lessons about judging others favorably, healing ourselves and coming closer to G-d.
0 Comments9 Minutes
Tazria 5765-2005
"Some Important Lessons That We Learn from the Ancient Biblical Tzara'at"
The laws of the Biblical disease, tzara'at, are complex, and seem rather irrelevant. By surveying the nuances of the text in parashat Tazria we learn many profound messages about judging others favorably, healing ourselves and coming closer to G-d.
0 Comments8 Minutes