Behar 5784-2024
“The Torah’s Revolutionary Economic System”
(updated and revised from Behar 5765-2005)
Parashat Behar often gets lost in the shuffle following Passover and before the summer, and yet contains many revolutionary concepts, challenging the prevailing ideas of both capitalism and socialism. The Torah provides its own modified economic system that attempts to insure the humanity of all people in all situations.
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Behar 5782-2022
“Understanding Hebrew and Canaanite Servitude”
(updated and revised from Behar 5763-2003
Parashat Behar presents two most perplexing and challenging statutes: Hebrew and Canaanite servitude. What seems on the surface to be two very difficult and primitive concepts are, in reality, rather enlightened, and there is much that contemporary society can learn from them.
0 Comments13 Minutes
Behar 5779-2019
“Wronging One Another, the Torah’s Unique Viewpoint”
(Revised and updated from Behar 5760-2000)
Jewish law maintains that vulnerable people must be especially protected from abuse. Therefore, one is forbidden to say even truthful things to them or to others that may be hurtful to them. These remarkable Torah laws provide many insights and directives that are intended to help others behave with more sensitivity toward one another, and create a more caring society.
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Behar 5776-2016
“Bernie Sanders Meets Parashat Behar"
Among many important themes, parashat B'ha'a'lot'cha contains two fascinating stories about the Israelites in the wilderness. Both stories can be seen as a metaphor for contemporary Jewish life: Jews who feel that their "souls are dried up" and that Judaism has little or nothing to say to them, and Jews who love their Judaism and do not want to miss out on the wonderful benefits of living a full Jewish life.
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Behar 5774-2014
“So That Your Brother May Live With You”
The verse in Leviticus 25:36, “That your brother may live with you,” plays a key role in one of the most famous Talmudic discussions.
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Behar-Yom Ha’atzmaut 5771-2011
"A State is not Delivered on a Silver Platter"
One of the most moving stories to be told regarding the contemporary State of Israel, concerns a great European rabbi, Rabbi Yisroel Zeev Gustman and a famed professor of economics, Robert J. Aumann.
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Behar-Yom Ha’atzmaut 5768-2008
"The Incredible Yovel--The Jubilee Year"
In parashat Behar, the Torah introduces the revolutionary concept of Yovel, the Jewish Jubilee year, that was celebrated every fiftieth year of the Sabbatical cycle. According to the commentators, the Jubilee was intended to train the Jews in compassion, charity, and justice. However, it was much more than just that.
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Behar 5765-2005
"The Torah's Revolutionary Economic System"
Parashat Behar often gets lost in the shuffle following Passover and before the summer, and yet contains many revolutionary concepts, challenging the prevailing ideas of both capitalism and socialism. The Torah provides its own modified economic system that attempts to insure the humanity of all people in all situations.
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Behar 5763-2003
"Understanding Hebrew and Canaanite Servitude"
Parashat Behar presents us with two most perplexing and challenging statutes: Hebrew and Canaanite servitude. What seems on the surface to be two very difficult and primitive concepts, are, in reality, rather enlightened, and there is much that we may learn from them.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Behar 5760-2000
"Wronging One Another The Torah's Unique View Point"
Jewish law maintains that especially vulnerable people must be protected from abuse. Therefore, one is forbidden to say even truthful things that are hurtful to others. The Torah provides many remarkable insights and directives that are intended to help people and society become more sensitive to one another.
0 Comments9 Minutes