Vayikra 5780-2020
“Moses, a Leader with a Calling”
(Revised and updated from Vayikra 5761-2001)
Moses’ commitment to serve as G-d’s messenger was thorough and complete. It was therefore no accident that G-d spoke to him, or through him. It was not a happening and not a coincidence. It was the very essence of Moses’ life and the ultimate purpose of his being. It was his “calling.”
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Shemot 5778-2017
“The Missing Years in the Life of Moses”
According to most calculations, Moses, the Egyptian prince, was only 20 years old when he was accused of killing an Egyptian and was forced to flee the land of Egypt. He does not return to Egypt until age 80. What happened during the intervening 60 years?
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Balak 5776-2016
“Balaam Sees the Kenites"
It is fascinating to see how the Kenites, one small nation, who seems to play a rather insignificant role, has a profound impact on Jewish destiny and on the stage of world history.
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Balak 5774-2014
“Upstaged by a Donkey”
What are the lessons to be learned from Balaam’s extraordinary confrontation with his own donkey?
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Matot-Masei 5773-2013
“Pinchas Avenges the Midianites”
Why is the zealous Pinchas chosen to lead the people of Israel into battle against the Midianites?
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Shemot 5771-2010
“Pharaoh’s Three Counselors”
The rabbis of the Midrash are not satisfied with the causes cited by Scripture (dual loyalty, or the Egyptians’ fear that the Israelites will depart and leave Egypt impoverished) that presumably lead Pharaoh to call for enslaving the Jews and killing their children. The Midrash therefore attempts to tie together all the loose ends in the story of Israel’s experiences in Egypt.
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Balak 5768-2008
"The 'Mazal Tov' Conundrum"
Balaam, the prophet of the nations, states clearly that there is no divination in Jacob and no sorcery in Israel. Yet, we often find references to sorcery and astrology in many mainstream Jewish texts. Given Judaism's strong stand against sorcery, how can the popular expression "Mazal Tov!" possibly be reconciled?
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Vayikra 5761- 2001
"Moses, the Leader with a Calling"
Moses' commitment to serve as G-d's messenger was thorough and complete. It was therefore no accident that G-d spoke to him, or through him. It was not a happening and not a coincidence. It was the very essence of Moses' life and the ultimate purpose of his being. It was his calling.
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