Saying Amen

The word “Amen” seems to be one of those words associated with prayer throughout the Judeo-Christian culture, but what does it mean? The response Amen at the end of an oath or a prayer…

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The Significance of Saying Amen

Don’t miss an opportunity to recite "Amen" to a blessing as it represents an affirmation that the statement made in the blessing is in fact true. In this week’s Parsha, Kee Tavo, we…

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Paying the Pledge

It is easy to pledge money to an organization. There are an astounding number of well-intentioned non-profits that send mailings or solicit donations over the phone or by email. There are…

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Keeping Your Word

Make certain to take stock of any outstanding pledges which you might owe and fulfill your pledge.

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The Five Names of Rosh Hashana

In Jewish tradition, Rosh Hashana has several names that can help us understand the importance and power of this holiday. Rosh Hashana, which begins two weeks from tonight, on Wednesday…

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What’s in a Name?

Study the five different names of Rosh Hashana and develop a deeper appreciation for the meaning and significance of each as they pertain to the holiday.

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Article VI

September 17th is Constitution Day, in honor of the ratification of the United States Constitution in 1787. The Constitution was a radical document at that time, and one of its unique…

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National Gratitude

Be grateful for living in a country that protects an individual's freedom of religion.

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Kee Tavo 5784-2024

“Contemporary Implication of an Ancient Ritual” (updated and revised from Kee Tavo 5765-2005)   by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald   In our message for parashat Kee Tavo for…

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Forgiveness: An Elul Treat

Many people feel that the three most difficult words to say, in any language are: "I am sorry." Yet, we all know how very important those words are. Indeed, a person saying they are…

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Time to Say “I’m Sorry”

ln the run-up to the High Holidays, use the month of Elul proactively by approaching those you may have wronged and ask them for forgiveness.

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Positive Thinking

One of the new holidays that has gained traction due to internet calendars is “Positive Thinking Day,” celebrated this year today, on September 13th. With a little more than than two…

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Putting Life Into Perspective

Consider moments during the past year that seemed, on the surface, to be particularly bleak, but in hindsight, when looking at the bigger picture, things turned out much better than…

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Swiss Jews

A Jewish presence in Switzerland can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Until the 19th century, Jews in Switzerland were restricted in both residence and employment. While there were…

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Appreciating the Good

If you live in a country such as the United States where kosher slaughter is permitted, be thankful, and recognize that it’s not always the case, especially in parts of Europe today.

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9/11 and Jewish History

The attack on the continental U.S. homeland on September 11, 2001 changed the entire complexion of the United States. Almost 200 years had passed since the last attack on the U.S.…

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Reflect on This National Day of Remembrance

Spend significant time today remembering the events of 9/11 and/or read uplifting material about the day.

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Travel With a Jewish Twist

When traveling, find out if there is, or was, a Jewish community at your destination. If yes, make an effort to visit, if possible.

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The Jewish Ghost Town of Utah

As a dry wind blows across the dusty plains just south of Gunnison, Utah, a traveler might be shocked to stumble upon a small, gated Jewish cemetery. Indeed, the burial ground is so small…

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Kee Teitzei 5784-2024

“The Revolution that Started with a Fence” (updated from Kee Teitzei 5765-2005) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The extraordinary number of themes that are found in Parashat Kee Teitzei make…

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Happy Birthday Adam

Adam Richard Sandler was born September 9, 1966 in New York City to Judith (Levine) and Stanley Sandler, who descended from Russian Jewish immigrants on both sides. When Adam was 6, the…

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Jewish Celebrities

Support the work of celebrities and artists who take pride in their Jewishness and make their Jewish heritage part of their work or personality.

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Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue

The directive to create a judicial system is set out in this week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, in Deuteronomy 16:18-20. God commands the Israelites to appoint judges and law enforcement…

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Be aware of the things that affect your judgment of other people and try to remain non-judgmental in your approach. In the first chapter of Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers, we are…

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Seeking God in Elul

In anticipation of the High Holy Days and during the High Holy Days themselves, Psalm 27 is recited twice daily, from the beginning of the month of Elul through the conclusion of the…

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An Auspicious Time

During this particularly auspicious time leading up to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, think about ways in which you can come closer to God.

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A Gift For Life

Did you know that Jewish law frowns upon elective surgery? After all, as any doctor will tell you (or all those release forms will make you realize), there is no surgery that is totally…

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Jewish Ramifications

Consider the Jewish religious view when contemplating elective surgery.

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I Am To My Beloved

The Biblical verse that most epitomizes the emotion of love is: “Anee l’dodi v’dodi lee” – I am to my beloved, and my beloved is to me (Song of Songs 6:3). The ideal love relationship,…

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A Golden Opportunity

Our sages teach us that God makes Himself easily accessible to us during the month of Elul. Seize the opportunity to reach out and connect to Him.

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