Judge Fairly
The Sixth Amendment in the United States’ Bill of Rights (requiring a speedy trial, impartial jury, confrontation of witnesses, council, etc) is, perhaps, one of the most difficult to…
Be Fair
Try to remain impartial when hearing the dispute of others. In this week’s Torah portion, Mishpatim, the Torah introduces revolutionary ideas in its code of Jewish civil and criminal…
Judaism at the Barber
On February 20, 1816, Rossini’s classic opera, The Barber of Seville, premiered at the Teatro Argentina in Rome. In tribute, Jewish Treats will address the Torah’s instructions for…
Barber Instructions
Explain to your barber prior to your haircut how you want him or her to cut your hair, both aesthetically and religiously.
Rabbi Israel Salanter and the Mussar Movement
The Mussar movement, the formal study and program of ethical improvement, was developed in the mid-nineteenth century by Rabbi Israel Salanter (1810-1883). His family surname was actually…
Character Development
One of the most valuable endeavors is to devote time to character building and improvement.
Mishpatim 5785-2025
“We will Do and We will Obey” (updated and revised from Mishpatim 5766-2006) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The narrative concerning the great Revelation at Mt. Sinai that was recorded in…
The Tribe of Asher
As the forefathers of the tribes of Israel, the lives and personalities of each of the twelve sons of Jacob impacted on the history and behavior of the tribe members who descended from…
Study Jewish History
Be sure to read scriptural passages about the Tribes of Israel to learn more about their contribution to Jewish history.
The Jews and Martin Van Buren
In honor of President's Day, today's Jewish Treat shares the tale of how President Martin Van Buren intervened in order to help save the lives of Jews across the sea. In 1840, the news of…
Freedom of Religious Practice
Appreciate the United States and its presidents who have taken public positions designed to ensure religious rights and the freedom of religious practice.
Jethro’s Tell
Great leaders are often those who are able to accept criticism. It seems to be, the higher an individual’s position of leadership, the fewer suggestions people are willing to make.…
Listen Up
Accepting criticism is never easy, but if it’s offered in a respectful way by someone who is sincere and appears to mean well, try and accept it graciously. Jethro warned his son-in-law,…
Tu b’Shevat
While it may seem as if winter has just begun, it may be a good time to invoke a bit of optimism and look beyond the turbulent weather and remember that spring is just around the corner.…
Respect For the Environment
Tu b'shevat, the Jewish new year for trees, is a great opportunity for Jews to devote themselves to environmental causes.
Penny Lane
“Lost Penny Day,” which is today, coincides with the February 12th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, whose image has adorned the U.S. penny since its institution in the U.S. currency…
Recognizing True Value
Everything, living and inanimate, has inherent worth. Acknowledging and celebrating that value goes a long way.
The Reluctant Rabbi
Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Schwadron (1835-1911) learned modesty and dedication to Torah study from his special father, Reb Moshe, who constantly reviewed different sefarim (holy books) while…
How Fortunate
Recognize how fortunate the Jewish people are to have had such Torah scholars like Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Schwadron who, through the many questions he answered during his lifetime insured…
Yitro 5785-2025
“Sanctify Them, Today and Tomorrow” (updated and revised from Yitro 5766-2006) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Yitro, we read of the great Divine Revelation…
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which is famous for its month-long resistance struggle against the powerful Germans in April/May of 1943, actually began with an initial uprising on January…
Never Forget
Learn about the brave, organized resistance on the part of those Jews who fought valiantly against the Nazis while the Warsaw Ghetto was being liquidated.
Just Do It!
Without question, the Biblical spokesman for Nike® would have been Nachshon the son of Aminadav. Nachshon, the Prince of the Tribe of Judah, showed the Children of Israel what faith was…
Ready To Lead
When you sense a need for someone to take charge and you feel you could make a difference, don't walk away, be a leader and step forward. There are times that call for leadership, when…
History for Everyone
Barbara Tuchman (née Wertheim), born January 30, 1912, never earned a doctorate in history, but the books that she authored injected new life into the layman’s study and understanding of…
Gain an Historical Perspective
Set aside time to read up on world and Jewish history to develop a better understanding of the significance of important historical events.
Mitzvah With A Shovel
The Jewish customs surrounding death, burial and mourning are intended to provide both respect for the departed and comfort for the mourners. One such custom that may seem startling or…
Offer a Hand
When attending a burial where only a few family members are present, offering to help shovel dirt into the grave is considered a great act of kindness.
Thoughts for the Heart
In honor of American Heart Month, and because caring for your own health is part of two Torah mitzvot of “V’nish’martem me’od l’naf’sho’tay’chem” and “hatzalat n’fashoat” (guarding and…
Eat Your Vegetables
Enjoy a hearty salad or vegetable soup packed with vegetables to improve your health.