Email Address: * Name * Institution * City * State * Phone # Please attach your list of the names and email addresses of attendees How many people attended? * Of the attendees how many were members? Non-members? Approximately how many people had their first Shabbat experience? Please describe your SAA/C program and share any stories or comments about SAA/C 2024 Did you use any of the following programming materials? (please check all that apply) Yes, we used the D’var Torah NJOP provided Yes, we offered a Beginners Service Yes, we used the Spirituality at Your Fingertips Guides Yes, we used the Shabbat Candle Lighting Discussion Guide Yes, we used the Birkat HaBanim Discussion Guide Yes, we used the Shalom Aleichem/Aishet Chayil Discussion Guide Yes, we hung up NJOP’s Candle Lighting Poster Yes, we hung up NJOP’s Hand Washing Poster Yes, we used the Guide to SAA/C At Home No, we ran our own programs How did you promote the program? Please describe the service you received from our office. Did you find it easy to download and use the materials? Yes No Did you face any challenges in running your SAA/C program? Please let us know how we can serve your institution better. Verification Code: Enter Verification Code: * * Required