Sukkot 5783-2022

Sukkot 5783-2022 “The Seven Protective Divine Clouds” (updated and revised from Sukkot 5764-2003) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The festival of Sukkot acknowledges profound gratitude to…

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Ushpeezin (pronounced Oo’shpee’zin)

During the festival of Sukkot, the sukkah is intended to be our home. For example, since dining normally takes place in the house, on Sukkot dining takes place in the sukkah. Because the…

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Welcome Them In

Aside from the Ushpeezin, the seven shepherds of Israel who are welcomed into the sukkah, use the opportunity to welcome others into your sukkah, especially those who may not have a…

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Build Your Own Sukkah

Webster’s Dictionary defines a Tabernacle as a temporary dwelling, which is why the Jewish holiday of Sukkot is known as the Feast of the Tabernacles. A sukkah, however, is a lot more…

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Time to Shop

Contact your synagogue or local Jewish community center to find a location to purchase a beautiful lulav and etrog for Sukkot.

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Read Hebrew America and Canada

The 26th AnnualRead Hebrew America and Canadastarts October 27th, 2024!

Signed and Sealed

As you take the necessary steps to prepare for Yom Kippur, NJOP and Jewish Treats would like to wish you a G’mar Chatima Tova. May you and your loved ones be inscribed and sealed for a…

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Haazinu 5783-2022

“The Final Song” (updated and revised from Haazinu 1999-5759) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Haazinu, features the final song which Moses sings before his…

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For The Sins We Committed

One of the main steps in the process of teshuva (repentance) is for a person to confess their sins and verbalize their errors. In so doing, a person admits committing a sin, not to…

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Avinu Malkeinu

No prayer so thoroughly captures the Jewish people’s dual relationship with God as Avinu Malkeinu, “Our Father, Our King.” While Avinu Malkeinu is a prayer widely known to be part of the…

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