The Great Shabbat

The Shabbat immediately preceding Passover is known as Shabbat HaGadol, the Great Shabbat. It is best known for being the Shabbat on which the rabbi of the community (or another leading…

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Great Scots

The story of the great masses of Eastern European Jews who arrived in New York and settled on the Lower East Side of Manhattan is more than simply conventional history. It is now regarded…

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Metzorah 5782-2022

“The Nidah--Affirming the Infinite Value of Human Life” (updated and revised from Metzorah 5763-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Toward the end of this week’s parasha, parashat…

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Jokes On Us

“Knock. Knock” “Who’s There?” “Jewish” “Jewish Who?” “Jewish Treats” ….Ok, not so funny, but, when you get to the bottom of it, April Fool's Day (or All Fools Day) is hardly a Jewish…

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Math and Science

Born in Bialystock, Poland on March 31, 1810, Hayyim Selig Slonimski completed writing his first textbook on mathematics when he was only 24 years old. Alas, finances were so tight that…

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Coca Koller and Cocaine

Today is National Doctor’s Day. Because the date, March 30th, was chosen in honor of the day on which the first general anesthesia, a dose of ether, was used in surgery in 1842, Jewish…

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Parasha of The Month

This Shabbat we will read Parashat HaChodesh, the Sabbath of “The Month.” The Torah portion that is read as the Maftir (additional reading) after the conclusion of the reading of the…

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Tazria 5782-2022  

“Tzaraat—The Spiritual-Dermatological Disease” (updated and revised from Tazria 5763-2003)   by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Tazria, as well as parashat…

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For Seafood Lovers

Having just read the about the laws of Kashruth in this past week’s Torah portion, Shemini, consider the following: If a fish dish is something that tantalizes your tastebuds, you might…

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Purim Narbonne

During the holiday of Purim, celebrated just last week, Jews around the world commemorated the salvation of the Jewish people from physical decimation. Because Haman had such great…

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