Ushpeezin (pronounced Oo’shpee’zin)

During the festival of Sukkot, the sukkah is intended to be our home. For example, since dining normally takes place in the house, on Sukkot dining takes place in the sukkah. Because the…

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Build Your Own Sukkah

Webster’s Dictionary defines a Tabernacle as a temporary dwelling, which is why the Jewish holiday of Sukkot is known as the Feast of the Tabernacles. A sukkah, however, is a lot more…

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Read Hebrew America and Canada

The 26th AnnualRead Hebrew America and Canadastarts October 27th, 2024!

Haazinu 5783-2022

“The Final Song” (updated and revised from Haazinu 1999-5759) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Haazinu, features the final song which Moses sings before his…

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For The Sins We Committed

One of the main steps in the process of teshuva (repentance) is for a person to confess their sins and verbalize their errors. In so doing, a person admits committing a sin, not to…

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Avinu Malkeinu

No prayer so thoroughly captures the Jewish people’s dual relationship with God as Avinu Malkeinu, “Our Father, Our King.” While Avinu Malkeinu is a prayer widely known to be part of the…

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Sukkot Across America 2022 Application

Please complete the application below to be considered for a Sukkot Across America grant. Please note that this does not guarantee acceptance. You will be notified by NJOP if you are…

Symbolic Foods

Since Rosh Hashana is the Day of Judgment, it is customary to eat simanim*, foods with symbolic meanings that invoke God’s blessing. We also recite a short prayer before eating them.…

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Holiday Greetings

The standard pre-Rosh Hashana greeting of “K’tiva v’chatima tova” (“May you be written and sealed for good”) is deduced from a Talmudic discussion concerning the three heavenly books that…

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Nitzavim 5782-2022

Nitzavim 5782-2022 “The Hidden Things Belong to G-d” (updated and revised from Nitzavim 5765-2005) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald On the final day of his life, Moses gathers all the people…

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