At The End Of The World

While Judaism is, for the most part, focused on the here and now (with a solid amount of regard for the past), it does have its own eschatology. Eschatology is theology concerning what…

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Balak 5778-2018

“The Contemporary Impact of the Blessings of Bilaam” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Balak, records Bilaam’s dramatic prophecies regarding the Jewish people.…

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Out To Sea

In honor of International Seafarers Day, Jewish Treats presents a brief look at seafaring in the biblical canon. The patriarchs and matriarchs were total “landlubbers.” In fact, the…

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Chukat 5778-2018

"The People of Israel are Taught to be More Independent" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Chukat, opens with the laws of the פָּרָה אֲדֻמָּה, Parah Adumah, the…

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A Trap of Wealth

If I were a rich man...The most important men in town will come to fawn on me...When you’re rich they think you really know... The now classic words from the Broadway show Fiddler on the…

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Korach 5778-2018

“Where Did Korach Go Wrong?” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Korach, we read of the rebellion of Korach, Datan and Abiram, and 250 men of the Children of…

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Shelach 5778-2018

“Moses Called Hoshea the Son of Nun, ‘Joshua’” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Shelach-Lecha, the tragic story of the scouts is recounted. The scouts’…

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Waving Levites

Every society, large and small, has a hierarchy, and in the society defined by the Torah for the Children of Israel, there is a well-defined system that guides its spiritual life. The…

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B’ha’a’lot’cha 5778-2018

“The Seventy Elders: The Challenge of Jewish Leadership” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald   Among the many interesting themes found in this week’s parasha, parashat B’ha’a’lot’cha, is…

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Wise as Solomon

King Solomon is best known for his brilliance and wisdom, attributes that were actually a requested gift from God. It happened this way: One night, God spoke to Solomon in a dream and…

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