Giving Gifts
“A person who is diligent in lighting Chanukah candles will have children who are scholars” (Talmud Shabbat 23b). The desire for scholarly children was actually one of the motivations for…
Chanukah Yum
While Jewish holidays are known for their food (except Yom Kippur, of course), most of them are not known for being particularly healthy. Chanukah is no exception. Forget matzah or…
Mikeitz 5784-2023
Urgent message: Given the most challenging situation in Israel at this time, I urge all to pray for the bereaved families, the hostages, the missing and the many casualties. Please try to…
The Chanukiyah
The term “menorah” is used for both the classic symbol of the holiday of Chanukah and the great seven-branched candelabra that was built in the wilderness following explicit Divine…
Chanukah and Divine Order
Chanukah always overlaps with at least one Shabbat (if not two), and since Chanukah begins on the 25th of Kislev and lasts for eight days, the holiday always coincides with the…
A Special Shabbat
While welcoming Chanukah by lighting the menorah, and Shabbat, by lighting Shabbat candles this afternoon, take a moment to appreciate the special opportunity we have been given to…
Special For Chanukah: The Chanukah Blessings
Tonight, on the first night of Chanukah, one candle/light is placed on the far right of the menorah. Each succeeding night, one candle/light is added to the left of the previous night’s…
These Lights We Kindle
While the mitzvah of lighting the menorah is an outward-focused mitzvah – the menorah is lit in a window or doorway – it is also an opportunity for personal reflection on the deeper…
The 25th of Kislev
It is not uncommon to find that significant events in Jewish history occurred in different years, but on the same day on the Jewish calendar. For instance, Tisha b’Av (9th of Av), the day…
Get Inspired
Let the holiday of Chanukah be an inspiration to dedicate yourself to include more Jewish learning in your daily life. Consider purchasing a Jewish text to study or to attend a class on a…