Best Seller

For a high school dropout who failed English three times, Leon Uris had an outstanding career as a best-selling author. The Baltimore-born (August 3, 1924) Uris was the son of a Jewish…

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Matot-Masei 5784-2024

“Taking a Stand Against the Banality of Evil” (updated and revised from Matot-Masei 5766-2006) by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald  Parashat Matot, the first of this week’s double parashiot,…

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Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel

The death of Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel, which occurred in 70 CE, on 20 Sivan, is part of the well-known and tragic episode of the deaths of the Ten Martyrs, that is included in the liturgy…

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The Charleston Synagogues

Charleston, South Carolina is home to one of the oldest Jewish communities in the United States. The 1669 charter for the Carolina Colony explicitly included liberty of conscious for…

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Kedoshim 5784-2024

“Living a Truly Sanctified Life” (updated and revised from Kedoshim 5765-2005) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The message of this week’s parasha, parashat Kedoshim, is surely one of the…

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Vayikra 5784-2024

“Parashat Zachor: 'Hating as a Mitzvah'" (updated and revised from Vayikra 5763-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Since the festival of Purim will be celebrated this coming Saturday…

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Jonas Phillips: Living in the Revolution

A few weeks after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the British blockade intercepted a communication from Jonas Phillips to a relative on the Dutch Island of St. Estatius.…

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The Final Analysis

After the soul departs, it journeys to the gates of heaven where it must present its case for entry. The Talmud (Shabbat 31a) states, “When an individual is brought before the Heavenly…

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President William Howard Taft – Friend of the Jews

Jewish Treats presents a quick look at the relationship of President William Howard Taft (1857–1930) and the Jewish people worldwide. Taft’s presidency (1909–1913) overlapped with the era…

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Rachel’s Tomb?

Kever Rochel, the Tomb of Rachel, in Bethlehem is considered to be the third holiest site in Jewish tradition, after the Temple Mount and The Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. The…

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