
During the festival of Sukkot, the sukkah is intended to be our home. For example, since dining normally takes place in the house, on Sukkot, dining takes place in the sukkah. Because the…

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The Five Names of Rosh Hashana

In Jewish tradition, Rosh Hashana has several names that can help us understand the importance and power of this holiday. Rosh Hashana, which begins two weeks from tonight, on Wednesday…

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Forgiveness: An Elul Treat

Many people feel that the three most difficult words to say, in any language are: "I am sorry." Yet, we all know how very important those words are. Indeed, a person saying they are…

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Positive Thinking

One of the new holidays that has gained traction due to internet calendars is “Positive Thinking Day,” celebrated this year today, on September 13th. With a little more than than two…

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Cover Your Ears

The Talmud, in tractate Yoma 9B states that the Second Temple was destroyed because of Sinat Chinam, baseless hatred. Today, on Tisha b’Av, Jewish Treats takes a closer look at the…

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Smashing the Tablets

The sages declare that five tragedies occurred on the Seventeenth of Tammuz, today's date which we observe as a fast day. Days of what we might now call “bad karma” (on which bad things…

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Opening Day!

In honor of Opening Day for all of Major League’s Baseball teams today, Jewish Treats presents a look back at one of baseball’s greats and some of the Jewish lessons that may be derived…

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Pop Culture References

Express Jewish pride when popular cultural references find their source in Jewish tradition and wisdom.

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Penny Lane

While the well-known adage requests, “A penny for your thoughts,” perhaps those coins should be sought, instead, in between the cushions of sofas and car seats, in washing machines and in…

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Tu b’Shevat

While it may seem as if winter has just begun, it may be a good time to invoke a bit of optimism and look beyond the turbulent weather and remember that spring is just around the corner.…

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